Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals
DesignTech Systems is one of the leading organisations providing design and development of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) and Interactive Electronic Technical Publications (IETP) services to Defence, Aerospace, Naval services and manufacturing industries. DesignTech Systems has been developing technical manuals since 2010, and thus has gained rich experience and expertise in this area. We have delivered numerous level 1, 2, 3 & 4 IETMs for various OEMs and ship builders and defence establishments. The IETMs are developed in accordance with Joint Service Guide (JSG) 0852:2001 as well as S1000D guidelines.
IETM or interactive electronic technical manual is a digital guidebook that includes content delivery through interactive navigation with searchable databases, multimedia content like videos, animations, and voice-over that takes the users through a self-paced step-by-step guide to product information, and product operating procedure.
This format of training content allows users to learn or navigate at their pace, repeat the lessons, understand the working of the product or systems in great detail through virtual animations and parts identification, thus making it an engaging and efficient content delivery system. It is especially useful for large and complex engineering systems training, maintenance and servicing, product catalogue, and for knowledge sharing as a user guide. It can be stored on cloud and hence can be accessed by teams based out of different geographical locations. It can be made available in multiple languages for ease of use and understanding. It is extensively used in naval applications, aerospace and defence, heavy manufacturing where technical documentation is vast, and also in consumer electronics as a user training digital manual. IETMs come in different levels with varying functionalities.
Electronic technical manuals, also termed as Interactive Electronic Technical Publications (IETP), are gradually replacing the printed manuals. Not only in Services, Manufacturing, and Denfese, but even the paper manuals for household gadgets in consumer electronics are being slowly replaced with IETMs / IETPs. Because they prove to be extremely useful, ITEMs and IETPs have gained popularity and acceptance in service and manufacturing industries from all over the world. Today, India and most other countries use IETM services in one form or other. IETM / IETP services are typically provided by a contractor or they are created by the product development companies themselves. IETMs / IETPs are specifically designed for digital display to an end user, and have many advantages over printed manuals:
DesignTech Systems is amongst the rare few organisations having experience in development of technical manuals and reality technology based simulations. This is a very unique offering from DesignTech Systems Combining the latest reality based technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) with technical manuals for a very effective and explicit understanding of critical operations. With this technique all the crucial operations, maintenance, service & repair processes can be converted in Reality based experiences and integrated with technical manuals.
DesignTech Systems Value Proposition - 360 degree services for IETM development
DesignTech Systems Differentiators
Depending upon the level of sophistication, IETMs can be classified into five main classes. It should be noted that these classes quintessentially represent advances in digital technology
Electronically indexed pages
This IETM class follows the structure of a printed book, with indexes and table of contents that are hyperlinked into the content of the document
Electronically scrolling documents
This format includes more hyperlinks than Class I, such as figures, tables and section references. A hyperlinked PDF document is the typical example of this class
Linearly structured IETM
in this class the book structure is discarded; instead the document is structured more freely following the logic of the content. Hyperlinking is provided throughout the document
Hierarchically structured IETM
In this class the data is stored in a relational database, obtaining benefits of data integrity and removal of data redundancy. Relationships in the content that are presented as hyperlinks, are mapped directly to relations in the database schema
Integrated data base
In this class the documentation is now integrated with expert systems that may influence the display of content. For example, the IETM system may aggregate data from a large number of users input, feed that to the expert system that analyses it and then the result gets fed back to the user through the IETM system.
Administrator Function
IETM dashboard
This dashboard consists of electronic content on the right and tree structure based navigation of content on left, other features include Search, Print, Annotation, Bookmark, Help, Navigation and Home options
Hotspotting functionality is used for
User Dashboard
User Dashboard includes features like Manage Bookmarks, Manage Annotations, Change Password, Search, Logout etc.
User can add a bookmark to the content. Bookmarks are public or private.
User can add new annotation in the content. Annotations are public or private
used for logical content navigation
Local search
Keyword based search on the specific pagearch
Advanced search
Keyword based search across the application
Page navigation
To navigate to next and previous pages
Change password
Enables user to change password
Prints current page content
Manuals tab
All the related manuals are placed under this tab and can be viewed with integrated PDF viewer
This functionality provides a summary of user activities based on navigation history
Help consists two sections - About IETM and Getting started which explains how to use the IETM
To close the user session and logout from application